Advantages of mobile marketing the iab spain study on mobile marketing. offers very interesting figures on the state of mobile marketing in spain. 21.5 m people between 16 and 65 use mobile phones in spain (94%), most of them are smart. The most prominent applications are whatsapp and facebook. (smartphones) and facebook and games on tablets. 34% of users use their mobile phone on a regular basis while watching tv (multiscreen). Therefore, A third of users perceive that the emails they receive are not. Therefore, Adapted to mobile phones and this means that 31% do not open them. 9 out of 10 interviewees have used their smartphone on some occasion in the purchase process.
And according to the app date
We use our smartphones USA Business Fax List mostly for this: communication: 83% email: 80.5% social networks: 70.3% location: 68.7% information: 55.1% entertainment: 54.3% leisure/free time: 35.4% other: 16% what should we take into account in our mobile marketing strategies. Responsive design our campaign must offer a design capable of adapting to the screen on. Which it is navigated, be it pc, mobile or tablet.
Personalized messages
Personalized messages messages should be short My Numbers List and concise, but impactful. Therefore, They must attract the attention of the consumer. Personalized as possible and offer the user those products or services that may really interest them. Articles for mobile marketing should have an impressive headline and the most. Interesting information should be given at the beginning, this way. The customer’s attention will be captured and they will want to share it. According to the consultant Luth Research and SoundBite Communications.
The page must load quickly and allow access to all the information with a few clicks. display campaigns although mobile phones with large screens of more than 5 inches are being imposed. It must be taken into account that the space for online advertising is reduced. For this reason the design of the display is of great importance, always valuing two key factors. Therefore, Brevity and impact.