The most used hashtags on Instagram in 2017 + most popular tools and apps

The most used hashtags on Instagram in 2017 + most popular tools and apps. In this article I am going to tell you which are the most used and popular hashtags on Instagram in 2017 and some free tools or apps so that you yourself can find the best hashtags on Instagram for your business. I will also tell you very interesting facts about how the Instagram algorithm works and tips to improve the engagement and reach of our publications.

What are Instagram Hashtags

Hashtags are used to organize and categorize. Therefore, the content and you must put this symbol followed by. The word we want to use, such as: socialmedia. By putting it in the comments of our photos. Therefore, people who search for this will be able to view your photo. Although its display will depend email leads on how much those hashtags are used. Therefore, how much interaction your post has in terms of likes. comments and the engagement you have in terms of followers. and their participation with your posts.

Why you should use hashtags on Instagram

Using hashtags on Instagram is one of the best ways to increase followers, expose your brand, and target your audience. According to the Track Maven tool (it is a marketing analysis software that helps marketers or sellers improve their ROI). Therefore, the use of the number of hashtags is My Numbers List correlated with the interaction. Where the number of hashtags is not limited as in Facebook or Twitter. Speaking in percentages. the interaction of 1 hastag is 29%, 5 hashtags is 40% and 11 hashtags is around 79% per 1000 followers according.

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