Presence on social networks to publicize your hotel

Presence on social, For any hotel in the world, as for many other tourism companies, the most important thing is to make yourself known to your target audience both online and offline and for your name or hotel brand to be recognized and mentioned in all corners of the network. This is where social networks can come into play and, properly managed, help our hotels make themselves known on the Internet. So, in the first of two posts on “how to make a hotel known thanks to social networks” we will see: The first steps to optimize on social networks so that they can help us spread our hotel brand both in the online and offline world 1. Always start at the beginning Develop an online marketing and/or social media strategy for your hotel and carefully select the most suitable social networks.

Always start at the beginning

Register a page for your hotel on each of the different platforms you have email contact list chosen, Presence on social, following their standards and technical specifications and taking advantage of the advantages of each network. These pages have to be more than just a simple advertising brochure . 3. Design and respect a strategy for each network Adopt a personalized strategy for each platform, focus on the needs of your target audience on each of them and on publicizing and generating interest in your hotel. You must show all the good things your establishment has to offer to any business traveler or tourist in general. But without forgetting that the objective is to interact and seduce your followers. 4. Choose the best pilot for your trip (CM) The social ship is already ready.

Create your pages on social networks

The objective of this pilot is to try to make the trip on social networks, both for your establishment and for your My Numbers List  potential guests or followers, to be as attractive and productive as possible. 5. Build a community around your hotel Social media is something like a virtual party or meeting between friends. Consequently, your hotel should encourage people to feel encouraged to come to the event and in doing so have a great experience, so attractive that they do not want to leave and that motivates them to invite their friends. Many companies do not realize this and instead of fostering and building a community to interact with, they mistakenly use social networks as just another means of online advertising. Finally, and to make the task easier for your clients.

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