40 million euros for innovation

There wil  40 million euros for innovation have been selecte by the European Innovation Council (EIC), a financial and technical support instrument of the European Commission. They will receive up to 40 million euros in financing with the aim of supporting business growth through. Similarly the development of innovative projects . The selecte companies belon gineering and information and communication technologies. Each of them will receive two and a half million euros to develop the project presente. In the case of health-relate companies, the allocation will be five million euros. The funds come from the Horizon 2020 program .

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SME Instrument of the European Innovation Council , which was provide by the European Commission with 2.7 billion. Horizon 2020 is the EU’s research and innovation funding program with a  40 million euros for innovation fic excellence in Europe and has contribute to high-level advances, such as the discovery of exoplanets and gravitational waves. Among the selecte, a three-dimensional Italy Number Data printer for food, digital recovery therapies, an early education platform, or a form of packaging that increases the shelf life of products stand out. In total, 57 European SMEs have been selecte and will receive 94 million euros.

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Spain is the country with the most selecte companies, followe by the Netherlands, France and Finland . The European Commission has set an objective for the coming years: to 40 million euros for innovation  ensure that its research funding has a greater impact. The Union wants to focus on fewer but essential issues, such as Vietnam Phone Number List migration, security, climate, clean energy and the digital economy. The Horizon 2020 program will also be more focuse on promoting cutting-edge market-creating innovation. Relate posts


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