Accessibility Workshop for commerce Carabanchel Business Incubator. C/ Cidro, 3, 28044, Madrid. 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Having a business accessible to everyone means knowing how to think globally, taking into account all the audiences that could come to your business. In this workshop we will talk about the advantages of having an accessible business and how to make it possible: entrances. Similarly Business agenda weeke needs of the business will be seen depending on the sector (restaurants, tourism, accommodation…) and also the accessibility obligations of the establishments and the basic standards of care for clients with disabilities.
Boosting your company
Different needs. Business agenda week at the point of sale and window dressing Carabanchel Business Incubator. C/ Cidro, 3, . Similarly. New marketing techniques at the point of sale, visual analysis of commercial space and digital supports. Similarly for product advertising will be the key points of this course.aime at small business professionals or SMEs with a physical office Netherlands Number Data with a showcase. 19th of June Businesses that make you fall in love Moratalaz Nursery. Camino de los Vinateros, 106, 28030, Madrid. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Offering the client a different proposal of products and services is the great ally to make a special business.
Collaborative Economy
The course will teach you how to design a value proposition, using graphic tools that allow you to transmit the values and personality of the company. June 20th Plastic waste: a European strategy Similarly.Business agenda week0 p.m. We recycle less than necessary and much of the waste Qatar Phone Number List generate ends up in the sea or forests. To avoid this, the European . Similarly plastic waste strategy, which encourages the trend towards more sustainable packaging and the reuction of the consumption of plastic bags. June 21 Boosting your company Valladolid .