Around the website and collect

Around the website has been an everyday reality for many teams for months. From one day to the next they found themselves in a reality full of challenges motivation of the remote team verification of tasks communication and integration of new team members. As part of the next webinar of the Visible Academy we discussthe topic of managing a remote team in response to your needs . Our interlocutors were Nikolay Kirov and Kaja PrystupaRzdca authors of the ebook Work remotely and effectively . See what they advise remote teams and their managers. Play Videocorner How to manage a remote team Webinar with Nikolaj Kirov and Kaja PrystupaRzdca The webinar took place on November as part of the new edition of the Visible Online Academy meetings. Exceptionally the topic concernsoft skills even though the Academy usually discusses issues relatto internet marketing.

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However conversations with our clients social media followers and our team show that remote work is still a challenge. So we come to you to help. Get to know the advice of our guests Nikolaj Kirov and Kaia Philippines TG Number PrystupaRzdca. How to manage a remote team and ensure the wellbeing and motivation of employees During the conversation with our guests we discussthe following topics maintaining the motivation of employees who changstationary work to remote work only for the duration of the pandemic verification of the effectiveness of a remote team working in a new situation.

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Nikolaj and Kaja highlight the different types of motivators that can drive employees and which managers and bosses should take into account when managing a remote team . For some family is the  motivation and they feel great working in the company of their children and partner. For others food is the motivation so they will organize their working day to Philippines WhatsApp Number find time for a healthy and tasty meal. The concept of motivators was creatby prof. Steven Reiss. You can read more about them on the blog . In the second part of the conversation we touchon the topic of communication in a remote team using electronic devices.

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