The 7 Deadly Sins of Email Subject Lines

Your email subject line is the first thing your recipient sees, and it’s often the only thing that will determine whether they open your email or not. That’s why it’s so important to get it right. But unfortunately, there are a lot of ways to get it wrong. In this article, we’ll take a look at the 7 deadly sins of email subject lines. These are the mistakes that will make your recipients delete your email without even giving it a second glance. Sin #1: Using a boring subject line One of the biggest mistakes you can make is using a boring subject line. If your subject line doesn’t grab the recipient’s attention, they’re not going to open your email. So how do you write a subject line that’s not boring? Here are a few tips: Keep it short and sweet. Your subject line should be no more than 50 characters long. Use keywords that your recipient is likely to be searching for. Be specific. Tell the recipient what your email is about.

Use a call to action

Tell the recipient what you want them to do, such as “Click here to learn more” or “Sign up today.” Sin #2: Using a misleading subject line Another big mistake is using a misleading subject line. This means using a subject line that makes it sound like your email is about something that it’s not. For example, you might use a subject line like “Urgent: Your Color Correction account has been hacke!” when in reality, your email is just a sales pitch. If you use a misleading subject line, your recipient will be annoye and they’re less likely to open your future emails. Sin #3: Using all caps Using all caps in your subject line is a surefire way to make your email look like spam. Spammers often use all caps in their subject lines because it makes their emails stand out in people’s inboxes. If you want your email to as legitimate, avoid using all caps in your subject line. Sin #4: Using exclamation points Exclamation points can be a great way to add emphasis to your subject line, but using too many can make your email look like spam.

Color Correction

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That emails with more than 3 exclamation points in the subject line were 20% less likely to be opene than emails with no exclamation points. So if you want your email to be opene, use exclamation points sparingly. Sin #5: Using generic subject lines Generic subject lines are the ones that MY Numbers List everyone uses. They’re the ones that say things like “New blog post” or “Newsletter.” These subject lines are so common that they’re just going to get lost in the shuffle. If you want your email to stand out, you need to use a more specific subject line. Sin #6: Not personalizing your subject line Personalizing your subject line is a great way to increase your open rates. When you personalize your subject line, you’re showing the recipient that you’ve taken the time to address them specifically. There are a few different ways to personalize your subject line. You can use the recipient’s name, their company name, or even their interests. Sin #7: Not testing your subject lines The best way to find out if your subject line is working is to test it.


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