When lawyers couldn’t advertise

Advertising a law firm was not always legal . Perhaps for this reason, the lack of custom, this strategy is not entirely well regarde by part of the legal field, although others use it today without hesitation , through buses, bus shelters, television campaigns, radio, use of Well-known figuresWhen lawyers couldn’t advertise shows that the vision of advertising within the legal profession is evolving. Lawyers were prohibite from advertising , with very clear restrictions, including license plates on portals and the use of trademarks. The names of the firms had to be those of the owners and the brands as such had to contain at least the surname of a living practicing partner working in the firm.

Prevention of the use

If we go back to the General Statute of Spanish Lawyers of 1982 , advertising was directly prohibite in its article 31 : “Lawyers are prohibite from: a) Advertising or disseminating their services, directly or throughWhen lawyers couldn’t advertise, with Spain’s entry into the European Union this limitation was contrary to the principles of free competition and in 1998 the limitations were reduce to mentioning fees, clients and the size of the signs . Finally, the sector took advantage Switzerland Number Data of the mere restrictions of the General Advertising Law. The Code and advertising For its part, we must take into account the Code of Ethics , which in its article 7.

It is illegal advertising

Raises eleven assumptions in its second section that limit the way of advertising the services of the legal profession, sections that are regulate in a similar – almost identical – way. in article 25 of the General Statute of the  Spanish Legal Profession . The first section of the aforementione .When lawyers couldn’t advertisehat the lawyer can advertise that is Russia Phone Number List dignified, loyal and truthful; and in its article 2.6, it tells us that: The Lawyer will not make personal advertising nor will he commission another to do so where it is prohibite. Emphasis is place on the limitations that existebefore the advertising of legal services and the adaptation to current regulations.

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