What is a trigger in email marketing?

Consumers increasingly expect to see more personalized actions, so you must master triggers in Email Marketing. This way, you can offer exactly what each customer wants based on their needs and preferences and based on their own behavior.

Email marketing is known for being one of the What is a trigger channels with a high level of personalization. This makes companies choose to use it in their strategies, since they can reach their audience in a closer, more direct and, above all, timely way.

The idea is that you can apply an effective email marketing trigger to your campaigns. This trigger must be able to offer the user exactly what they need. Without a doubt, this is the best way to personalize your emails to attract customers.


Discover what a trigger is in email marketing

As you may already know, a trigger in email marketing, also known as a trigger, is a personalized and non-massive action. It involves sending direct and automatic messages to those customers who have carried out some type of action or transaction with your brand.

For example, they are sent when the user registers through a form or makes a purchase. They are also used when there is a special date or relevant event. This gives you the possibility of converting leads into active or loyal customers.

You can even recover those customers you have lost during the lead attraction and nurturing process. This is a strategy that you can integrate throughout the customer life cycle, and not for online sales.

Keep in mind that triggers give you the opportunity to inform or offer promotions. But not only that, you can also provide value to customers by sending emails contextualized according to the tastes and desires of each user. With the aim of impacting list of norway whatsapp phone numbers them and directing them to the purchase funnel.

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The benefits of triggering in email marketing

Now that you have a clearer idea of ​​what a trigger is in email marketing, you also need to know the positive aspects it has. Beyond triggering specific actions, it has email marketing and blogging, discover how to combine them many more benefits for your business:

  • Make the customer feel special, as emails are tailored to the user’s needs at each stage. This is a customer service model that helps increase satisfaction korea businesses directory and the chances of them recommending your brand.
    If a user does not convert, the trigger email increases the awareness of your brand. This shows that you care about treating your potential customers well and gives a positive impression. In addition, it helps them remember you when they are ready to buy.
    One of its main features is automation, which allows for great savings in time and resources. This can be achieved thanks to CRM programs with which you can easily segment. This way, your team can dedicate time and energy to optimizing strategies, designing creatives, measuring and improving results.
    Generate communication with the customer focused on events and maximize conversion opportunities at all stages of the funnel. This way, the email arrives at just the right time and with the perfect message. By combining this strategy with others such as content marketing, users receive added value beyond corporate information.

Claves para tu estrategia de trigger en email marketing

Ahora que sabes en todo lo que puede beneficiarte un disparador, el siguiente paso es que conozcas los momentos oportunos para usarlo. Se trata de tener a la mano las claves para implementar un trigger en email marketing y te garantices el éxito en tu estrategia:

1.- Bienvenida


El primer contacto es elemental en las estrategias de email marketing, y de esto se puede encargar el disparador. Pero ¿en qué momento ocurre esta primera comunicación? Pues, por ejemplo, cuando logras que un usuario se registre en algún formulario que dejaste en una landing page.

Once this happens, you must give them a well-deserved welcome . In this first contact, you must establish a conversation to start getting to know each other. First, take the opportunity to thank them for registering and, in the same message, send them information about the brand or their preferences among your products or services.

You can also use this first contact to offer new subscribers a welcome discount or promotion. This is about having an effective approach, in which the future client feels special.

2.- First actions

The initial steps have already been achieved, namely the registration and subsequent welcome of the subscriber. It is likely that after this the user will proceed to browse your website. Therefore, it is essential that you analyze any data that he has provided, such as his preferences or needs.

Through behavioral analysis, you can send a series of personalized emails with recommendations , products, offers and related information. The more you know your customers and their tastes, the more effective and targeted your campaign will be.

3.- Purchase confirmation


If you’ve gotten the customer to take action through your email sequence , you need to take the next step. You need to send them a purchase confirmation email and tell them what the next steps in the process will be.

This is about tracking the order, date or place where it will be collected. It is essential that you send all this information instantly. Also, take advantage of this email to thank them for their purchase.

Once the order has been shipped and received, you can send a survey so the customer can validate the quality of the purchasing service.

4.- Customer loyalty

It’s not just about making a purchase, you don’t want a one-time buyer, but rather a customer who is loyal to your brand. And the trigger in email marketing will be your great ally in this process, since its purpose is to convert one-time customers into loyal ones. The idea is that these consumers will buy your products or services again. 

In this case, what you should do is send them an email with news about complementary products. This should happen a few weeks after the first purchase. You can also offer them articles with tips about said products, promotions, and even discounts.

Another good strategy is to offer these buyers some incentive that motivates them to continue buying what you sell. You can give away ebooks with valuable content when they make a transaction.

5.- User reactivation


But a trigger in email marketing is not only useful for attracting new customers, but also for recovering those subscribers who are inactive. There may be many reasons why a user is in that state; they are on your contact list but do not make purchases or interact.

This is the right time to motivate them to come back and enjoy your promotions and offers. You can take advantage of special dates such as birthdays , Christmas, Father’s Day or Mother’s Day. Or you can also offer them discounts and exclusive sales that serve as a hook.

Any occasion is a good time to awaken the desire to buy in users who are not active. However, if this email does not work, that is, you cannot reactivate them, it is recommended that you clean up your database . Otherwise, this will affect your opening rate and your campaign will not have such positive results.

6.- Abandoned carts


Looking for opportunities to activate your triggers? One What is a trigger of them is in abandoned carts , not only are they great for this, but also for retargeting . You just have to send an email reminding the user that they have a pending purchase.

These types of emails are usually very effective in reactivating inactive subscribers. Use all your creativity to convince the person to finish the purchase they left pending. It is best not to wait too long; within a few days of noticing an abandonment, start with the reminders.

Ready to activate the trigger in email marketing

Now that you have all the necessary What is a trigger information about how a trigger works in email marketing, it’s time to activate it in your strategy. Don’t wait any longer, the idea is to start seeing positive results as soon as possible and, to do so, your emails must have an effective trigger.

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