What is Speed ​​Networking?

According to various studies, it only takes seven minutes to find out whether we have a commonality with our interlocutor during a personal meeting. This is the basis for a fairly widespread method of finding a partner: speed dating , time-limited meetings where two people get an idea of ​​their compatibility. This is also the basis for the evolution of this concept applied to the business world, speed networking.

What is speed networking?

Speed ​​networking for companies seeks quick list of fiji consumer email and effective contact between. Two people with possible common business interests. Interactions usually occur between two individuals who are not from the same company. But who can offer something interesting to each other and who show their interests, their possible contributions and can make a brief presentation of their work skills in a short time, usually no more than six minutes.

These are events in which various short meetings take place, in which each of the interlocutors usually hands over their contact card and presents their respective products or services, and then discusses their business ideas. Typically, the events allow for several speed networking sessions in a single day , so that many contacts can be made in a short period of time.

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They are usually held in person

But thanks to the Internet and, above all, contacts my numbers list between professionals. From large companies who can be located thousands. Of kilometres away, virtual speed networking. Events have become more popular in recent years.

Everyday life is full of what we call time thieves . Useless meetings, an inbox full. Of completely unnecessary emails, endless phone calls in which we hang up knowing almost less than before aleart news speaking. To our interlocutor… And what about those meetings with potential suppliers, with buyers, with people who apparently can contribute something to us and who only manage to steal a little more time from us.

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