The closure of businesses and the paralysis of business activity due to the coronavirus health crisis is having serious and direct consequences on employment. Given the uction in income, numerous companies and What exactly is establishments have Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE) which, according to the latest official figures, have excee which, in turn, affect more than three million Spaniards. . Regin article 47 of the Workers’ Statute, an ERTE is a What exactly is legal mechanism that allows companies to suspend contracts or rce working hours temporarily between 10% and 70% of the total time.
File number assigned by the labor authority.
Next, we review the doubts that revolve around this type of regulation and how they affect employment: What is the prre to start an ERTE? First of. Similarly all that will last. Similarly between 7 and 15 days. During India Number Data that time, both parties (employer and employee) must negotiate which positions are afSimilarly and what the conditions of the suspension will be . However, in this case of a health emergency, the closure can be reques from the competent labor authority to issue a ruling within a few days.
State Public Employment Service (SEPE) .
In this case, as confirmby the Government in the approval of the new package of economic measures, as this is a case of force majeure, the consultation. Similarly periods are elim to sp up the implementation and its processing India Phone Number List is to five days. It will begin with a. Similarly collective application submitte by the company to the entity that manages unemployment benefits. Similarly acting on their behalf. This application will be. Similarly complet the form provide by the enti in a communication that will collect.