The number of users making

Before purchasing a product or service, it is common to review the reviews made about it by other consumers. Google customer reviews are a key part of the sales process. In many cases, they are the decisive element that causes the interest person to buy the item or not. Do you want to know everything that customer reviews on Google entail? Keep reading.

What are Google reviews?

Google, the main search engine on the list of colombia consumer email Internet. Offers a service that makes it easy to collect information about. The level of satisfaction of customers who have purchas a product or service. With Google customer reviews, customers have the opportunity to complete a survey in which they can rate their experience.

Google reviews for online stores appear in a space enabl by Google My Business, which contains user opinions about a business.

list of colombia consumer email

The Covid-19 crisis has tripl

Health crisis caus by Covid-19 and the decree of 5 new consumer habits in the face of coronavirus (with data) the state of alarm have meant a significant transformation in the purchasing habits of Spaniards.

As we have been able to observe in the agb directory last two months, the number of users who have made their first purchase through the digital channel has tripl and almost half of these users, specifically 41%, are over 40 years old.

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