Towards legal tender digital currencies

The Payments and Market Infrastructure Commission belonging to the Bank for International Settlements, intends for “central bank digital currencies”Towards legal tender digital currencies to be issue and for them to become a secure payment instrument as a result of the support of a central authority (unlike most cryptocurrencies). It is true that no central bank has addresse this type of emissions exclusively yet, but the first studies on the introduction of digital currencies have begun. The work carrie out by the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Norway, the Central Bank of Canada and the Central Bank.

Martin Molina

What would the issuance of a digital currency mean? At first glance, a complement to other forms of digital money that already exist (such as the reserves of commercial banks and other financial institutions that they maintain on the balance sheets of central banks). What would the issuance of CBCDs mean? A substantial change in the legal security of the use of digital currencies. They would not be private  Australia Number Data cryptocurrencies but legal tender currencies; Unlike virtual currencies like Bitcoin, they would be publicly issue and their value would be more stable. Furthermore, thanks to the use of CBCDs.

Pedro Martin Molina

Public and private transactions would be substantially improve. with a reuction in their cost, and transfers could be carried out without the need for an intermeiary (peer-to-peer). although with the control and supervision of the central bank. contemplate. The penalties will be appli to Australia Phone Number List their maximum degree if it is demonstrate that intermeiaries have been use to hide the identity of the fraudster or when the fraud is considere extremely serious due to the amount defraude or due to the existence of a structur organization .

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