To create a channel through a computer

To create a channel through a computer with a Windows operating system, you need to download from the official website and install the application client, and go through authorization.

For those who wish, it is possible to install Russian localization.

The next sequence of actions is as follows:

Open the Telegram app and tap the icon with three  country email list horizontal stripes in the upper right corner. A menu will open in front of you.he item you need is “Create channel”.By selecting this option, you will cause a pop-up window to appear. In it, you will need to specify the name of the channel, describe it, and select a photo for the avatar. After these actions, you need to click the “Create” button.

The next step is to select the channel type

(public or private). If you need a public channel, you will need to enter a memorable name for the link, and then click “Save”.

That’s it, the channel in Telegram from a Windows this article implies the distribution of content  computer is created. Once all the steps are completed, you will be automatically redirected to it. And you can immediately start publishing your posts and adding participants!

Also watch a video on how to create a Telegram channel on a MacOS computer:

How many channels can you create in Telegram

There are currently no restrictions on the number of channels created by one user.

It is worth noting that the Telegram interface does not require a person to indicate their name, much less contact information. You can enter them so that subscribers know who you are. However, this is not required.

If you don’t give your name, your readers won’t know who runs the channel. They’ll only see the required information: the channel name and description, as well as your posts.

Once you have created an account, set up its management. In Telegram, you can add chats and bots that automatically respond to messages.

However, to keep your subscribers loyal to you, don’t limit yourself to bots, but communicate with them live. This will increase their interest, which will lead to an increase in your audience both in quantity and quality.

How to Create a Popular Telegram Channel: 9 Cool Tips

The development and popularization of your channel is possible only if you keep your finger on the pulse and take into account such nuances:


Telegram directly measures two metrics: the number of views and subscribers. Using standard tools, it is impossible to even track their dynamics.

Views are equal to unique visits.

In smartphone applications, the number of views is rounded  calling list off after a thousand, and in desktop applications – after 10 thousand.

There are currently no third-party solutions that allow you to analyze the number of views.

As a rule, subscribers do not view posts immediately after they are published. Views accumulate within a week.

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