This idea must be supported by a hypothesis

Develop a hypothesis . To start a business, we must have an idea.  About why we believe it will satisfy a potential client and meet their needs. In this phase, we can conduct interviews with potential clients and see if our hypothesis really meets their needs.

These are the first consumers who will analyze our product, or the idea of ​​our product. Because what we do at this point is develop a product or service with minimum conditions and observe whether our first customers are interested.

With the help of KPIs

We begin to assess consumer behavior with respect costa rica email list 619628 contact leads to our first product or service prototype. Adjust the product or service . Based on the previous results, we make adjustments that improve the product or service.

Repeat the process . We can repeat the process as many times as we want, each time with an improved product until we reach what we and our interlocutors consider optimal.

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Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The essential part of the Lean Startup method. It involves launching the minimum viable product, that is, very basic and with only the essential functions. Now we can really test the reaction of customers. It is essential in in-person payment methods and forms this case to take into account the interaction, everything that users tell us. Based on their reactions, we will develop a second product with improvements and launch it and so on until we see that the product or service meets the needs and satisfies the market.

Startups that have followed the Lean method and have alb directory achieved success. There are several companies that have implemented the Lean Startup method and boast of the results they have achieved. The truth is that some of the most powerful StartUps today began to develop their business with this methodology. And they have done quite well. Let’s look at some of them.

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