This article implies the distribution of contentthat contains deliberately false information about the role of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, desecration of the memory of fallen heroes and military symbols, and disrespect for materials related to memorable dates and days of military glory of Russia.
Novgorod resident This article implies the distribution of content
had to pay a fine of one thousand rubles. The basis for the court was the man’s posting on VKontakte of an image of a uniform with a swastika.
For such an offense, according to Article 354.1 of t country email list he Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person faces a fine of up to three hundred thousand rubles, forced labor, or arrest for up to 36 months.
Dissemination of information containing calls for mass riots
Recently, there have been more frequent cases of dissemination of information about unauthorized rallies via social networks. As a rule, the administration of resources blocks such content and their authors.
The legislation is less lenient and promises violators forced labor or imprisonment for up to two years.</p>
Propaganda and public display of Nazi (or other extremist
Before sharing a picture you like with your followers, carefully check the potential content. A demonstration is the display of information in your feed.
According to Article 20.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, social media users face a fine of one to two thousand rubles or arrest for 15 days.
- Public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of Russia
The Russian state is united, and any attempts to This article implies the distribution of content violate its territorial integrity are fraught with real punishment. For example, criminal cases were opened against the organizers of the march for the federalization of the Krasnodar region.
Punishments for such violations are prescribed in Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: forced labor for up to 360 months, a fine of 100-300 thousand rubles, arrest for up to six months, imprisonment for four years.
What to do if the publication rules have been violated
After reading this article, you can determine to what uae cell number extent the content on your social media pages complies with legal norms. If there are materials that fall under one of the above articles, it is recommended to immediately delete the publication before it attracts the attention of regulatory authorities.
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A kind of cleaning of personal accounts won’t hurt if you plan to take out a loan from Sberbank. Delete all photos and publications that are in any way relat
ed to prison topics.
How to fix the situation if you still screwed up somewhere?
Quote with minor author’s editing:
” Solution one (best case practice): urgently say that your account is hacked and you are broadcasting from a backup