Awesome. Awesome. Well excited to have you both. Would love to kind of start with the big picture. Just what are your thoughts on customer service week? Why is it important? Why should we even be talking about it? Gordana, maybe you start?
Gordana Warga: (01:26)
Yeah, no, I think it’s absolutely phenomenal. Customer service is such a difficult job and to really just take a week out and celebrate all of the different agents that do this, this is so important and so valuable. We try to do it all throughout the year, but to really focus on phone number library it for a week is just, it has a tremendous impact on the team and that’s why we really decided to focus on it this year.
Gabe Larsen: (01:49)
Awesome. Chad, what would you add to that?
Chad Horenfeldt: (01:51)
Yeah. From my perspective, our customers are the ones real estate marketing tips that are creating those amazing experiences for their customers, and they’re the ones that are on the front lines. technology and they’re just trying to do the best things for their be numbers customers. And so it’s nice to just take a moment and recognize some of them. And we’re trying to do some surprise and delight for some of our customers this week and just show our appreciation. We really want to make them feel that this is really important to us and know how hard it is for them.
Gabe Larsen: (02:23)