There are currently only applicants

Either special aggregators will appear, a ton of. Manual paperwork, or a move into a gray zone where expenses will not be written off as advertising. Perhaps the VK market platform will win if it drives everyone to itself. We hope There are currently  that data transfer will be automated somehow. Maybe when marking a post as advertising, the platform will ask you to specify data for transfer to accounting systems, or auto-posting systems will allow you to post documents through them. We are also expecting failures in the first stages of the system’s operation. Evgenia Grunis preparation for the law, but nevertheless, the first steps are as follows: preparation and conclusion of additional legislation..

Communication There are currently with the RKN will be


standardized gradually, as with any New Zealand WhatsApp Number Data other regulatory body. We, as an advertising agency, will transmit information through ORD. for this status. For us, a more pressing issue is to structure our work specifically with operational and operational activities so that actions related to the labeling of advertising materials do not affect the timing of the launch of advertising. It is also necessary to improve the processes of interaction with advertisers and platforms so as not to lose speed and flexibility. Now there are still many questions about.

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Agreements to There are currently current contracts familiarization


With changes in advertising Ethiopia Telegram Number accounts; additional internal and external communications with advertisers. Let’s hope that the announced transition period until October 31, 2022 will help everyone have time to figure it out in more detail. All players in the advertising market have many questions: in addition to the technical part, it is currently unclear how much more resources all parties will have to allocate. According to ARIR and ACAR estimates, the market expects an additional load of 20 billion rubles. At first, it is important to prevent an increase in the launch time of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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