There are 4 commandments in copywriting:

This copywriting lie costs you traffic clicks and customers.


You will find out in this video.

I’ll clear up a big misconception about copywriting
and also tell you why this misconception is holding you back:

to get more readers
sell more books
sell more courses
If you want to know what a misunderstanding this is, what a big lie is floating around on the Internet – then stay tuned.

Let’s get started:

I hear it again and again

I see it again and again.

In videos, in articles.

People write:

“Copywriting vs. Content Writing! – What’s the Difference?”


“Why is country email list content writing different from copywriting?”


People who write such things have no idea



Copy is what is integrated marketing communications? designed to grab the reader’s attention; then pique their interest;
satisfy their agent email list desires and call them to action.

What makes good content?

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