Digital marketing strategies and together with funnel . Automations they have become the most used tools to promote infoproducts. A launch is the . Presentation of a product the most important or service in front of a specific audience, for a period . Of time. During that period, the company will dedicate itself to promoting the product or .
Service that is presented on all its channels
Launches are usually divided into mobile database phases: pre-launch . Launch sales time post-launch and reopening. Launches are very complex strategies, so I recommend the most important that. If you want to know more about how they work, you review the article what . Is a launch in digital marketing? Because there I explain in more detail about each . Of the phases.
Now launches usually leverage emails to achieve an
Optimal conversion rate on . The product julianne anderson senior operations manager or service. Launches can be replicated over and over again depending on the . Audience to which they are directed, which is why it is necessary that emails are . Written in such a way that they can be timeless and impersonal; that is, they . Make sense if a man or a woman reads them and if they read them .
In october or august writing emails for launches
Can be a titanic task because they . Practically mobile numbers have to be designed, programmed and evaluated every day. However, without emails, the conversion . Rate the most important will most likely not be the best, so they have to be done no . Matter what. Now, I want to show you how you should plan your emails during .
A launch so that you know when you
Should send each one of them. There . Are companies that literally do at least one email a day during a launch, but . There are others that choose to do it staggered. If you are a beginner in . This strategy, I recommend that you follow the second option. Preparation emails before launching a .