The cost of developing a mobile With this internal linking, your visitors will navigate from one article to another while staying on the same subject.
On the other hand, if your site The cost of developing a mobile has
A mesh that goes in all directions with mixed themes, your silos will suffer from semantic confusion. Search engines will have difficulty defining your themes and your natural referencing will be negatively impacted. When implementing a siloing structure, it is therefore important to take several factors into account.
When you read articles on a website, you often come telegram data across articles on the same theme at the bottom of the posts. You should do the same on your site by displaying only articles from the same category and avoiding random recommendations. It’s the same for the sidebar with recent, popular articles… The display must be relevant to your internal linking .
The same applies to enriched menus
When setting up your menu, drop-down lists can confuse the design of your silo and harm your natural referencing.
To more easily visualize the silo structure, I suggest we look at this internal mesh together using the Mindmeister tool:
Silo structure
Here, we have silos linked together by the site menu. Each silo represents a theme that points to the correct section. Within a silo, you have example of calculating the cost of an application from artjoker different levels. For example, in the “Cuisine” silo, you’ll find a level 1 page, highlighting cuisine in general. Then, level 2 discusses, in more detail, the different types of cuisine: French, Cuban, and finally, Greek. Within level 2, you can find level 3 pages that will delve deeper into the subject. For example, here, you have three level 3 pages: “Cuban Starter,” “Cuban Main Course,” and “Cuban Dessert.” These will feed into level 2 of Cuban Cuisine.
Within each silo, you can create links between the different levels
Articles at level 2 can be linked together (see green arrows). However, you should avoid linking different articles on different themes at deeper levels. For example, you should not link Greek Cuisine with Fall Fashion (see red arrow).
Meshing of level 2 articles
If you absolutely want to create a link between belgium numbers two silos, your level 2 link must point to the level 1 page of the other theme. In the same example as before, you must therefore link Greek Cuisine to the Fashion presentation page see yellow arrow.
Meshing between themes.