
The contents that will

Underestimates the importance of maintaining the blog. In fact, it is much easier to maintain a position than to regain it! Furthermore, a company website . with an outdated blog section risks undermining the professionalism and authority of the brand The contents and compromising its image. Conclusions As we have seen, the blog section of the company . website is vital for acquiring new customers, conveying the company image and retaining users. Not only that: it is also fuel for social networks. However, all this is provid that the blog is created with care, following SEO rules , and that it is updated frequently. This is a strategic activity that must integrate and be consistent with the communication strategy implement by the company. 

 Marketing for B2B: where to start

Despite this, we often fear that . We have nothing to Singapore WhatsApp Number Data  tell or we are too busy to even think about . This communication activity. That’s why we thought we’d suggest some ideas for creating your company’s. content. Identifying the reference market, the right target to address and understanding which type of . Communication is most appropriate is essential . before starting a content marketing activity on . Any platform. Once these elements have been defined, we can begin to think about the editorial plan , that is, a calendar that schedules . be released day by day, week by week.

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B2B buyers purchasers

Market research company . FocusVision,  business Singapore WhatsApp Number List developers) read at least 13 pieces of online . content before making a purchasing decision. According to the report, the B2B purchasing process takes an average of two to six weeks and involves 3-4 internal decision makers. The main source of content is the supplier’s website, followed by search and social media. According to what reported by Gitnux, 69% of those involved in B2B marketing have a content strategy. The 3 objectives most cited by those involved in B2B marketing in the last year are: brand awareness , educate the audience build credibility . 5 Content Marketing Ideas for B2B Companies Identifying what to share and what not is certainly not easy. An editorial plan that works is the result of an effective editorial strategy.nt for obtaining results. You have to get users us to your publications and above all make your contents recognizable, adhering to a homogeneous identity.

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