The 4 key points of mobile marketing for 2017

Mobile seo is essential if you are looking to increase the visibility of your brand. In 2015 google revealed that mobile traffic had surpassed desktop traffic for the first time, and this trend has only increased ever since. A good mobile marketing strategy cannot forget the fact that users are looking for you from their mobile phones and you have to be there for them. To improve your mobile seo, the first thing you have to do is make sure that your website is 100% responsive , so that its design adapts fluidly to any device. This will not only help you rank on google, but will also prevent you from losing customers due to a malfunction. The next step is to find out what are the most frequent mobile searches related to your brand.

Mobile searches

With the help of keyword tools, thoroughly research Singapore Business Fax List the most searched keywords from these devices and think about how to solve the users’ needs through your content. 2) mobile payments one of the good news for mobile marketing in 2017 is that users are more comfortable than ever using their mobile to pay . So if you want to take advantage of this trend, make sure your business is ready to process mobile payments. Social networks like facebook, twitter and youtube have already incorporated “Buy” buttons that allow you to make payments directly from the latest news section, instead of having to go to an external page.

Fax List

Mobile payments

Since the user does not have to go through multiple steps My Numbers List to confirm their purchase, the number of potential distractions and objections decreases, making it less likely that they will abandon us at some point in the process. And of course, all this translates into a higher conversion rate. Mobile payments are a great opportunity to reach users just when they are ready to buy, with as few distractions as possible. As the popularity of this tool increases, I hope that in 2017 it will become part of the mobile marketing plans of more and more brands. 3) branded mobile applications according to a recent gallup poll, 72% of americans look at their mobile phones at least once an hour.

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