So excited to be chatting

Full Episode Transcript:
Celebrating Customer Service with Gordana Warga and Chad Horenfeldt


Intro Voice: (00:04)

You’re listening to the Customer Service Secrets Podcast by Kustomer.

Gabe Larsen: (00:11)

Welcome to customer service week. Well, it’s not customer service week. We’re doing a LinkedIn Live, but this week was customer service week. today. And we wanted to celebrate this great occasion. It’s a fun day. It’s a fun week to take some time and recognize each person who through the last year and a half, I think has taken a lot of brunt of some of the things going on. And so ultimately, to be able to recognize this customer service group today, I think it is fantastic to do that. We brought on two special guests. One is Gordana. The other is Chad. Why don’t we take a minute and have them introduce themselves? Gordana, why don’t you start?

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Gordana Warga: (00:49)

I’m Gordana Warga. I’m the Director of Global Support here at Kustomer. I’ve been out building and rebuilding a technical support team for years, and I’m excited whatsapp data to be here celebrating customer service week.

Gabe Larsen: (00:59)

Awesome. Awesome. And Chad?

Chad Horenfeldt: (01:02)

Hey everyone. My name’s Chad Horenfeldt and I’m our promote incentives for the acquisition of loyal Director of Customer Success here at Kustomer and my main be numbers role is to make sure that our customers get value out of our platform. And I’ve been working in Customer Success and SAAS for a number of years as well.

Gabe Larsen: (01:15)

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