Sito internet aziendale per

As regards technical cookies we mean: navigation or session cookies , which serve to guarantee normal navigation and use of the website; functionality cookies ,sito internet  which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided; anonymized analytics cookies , i.e. cookies used to collect information, in aggregate form and therefore not attributable to the individual, relating to the number of users on the most visited pages, the places from which they connect, etc. to compile statistics on the service.

These cookies may also be from

Third parties. In this case, however, the Saudi Phone Arabia Number Data Data Controller must make them anonymous and must not allow the third party to cross-reference the information collected through the site with other information at its disposal. In this case, the user’s consent is not required for navigation and functionality cookies, therefore it will be necessary to make only the extended information available for consultation by the user. For anonymized analytics cookies, the user has the right to object to the use of such cookies (by customizing the settings) if he believes that his interests or his fundamental rights and freedoms.

Phone Number Data

Come creare un sito web aziendale

Prevail over the legitimate interests of Russia Phone Number List the Owner. By profiling cookies , however, we mean cookies that allow us to “profile” the user through the collection of data during navigation such as the activities he carries out and his interests so as to be able to offer him commercial proposals including a series of services based on his preferences. Profiling cookies, in turn, can be: First party : installed directly by the Owner on their site. In this case, when installing cookies on the site it is necessary to notify the privacy guarantor through a specific form. Third party: installed on the Owner’s site by a third party. On third-party cookies, the Owner has no control.

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