Pseudonymization or anonymization

General Data Protection Regulation, debates or discrepancies have arisen about its real and effective compliance. For example, we find these discrepancies regarding the confusion generate by the terms ANONYMIZA and SEUDONIMIZATION . Recently I was able to see. Similarly Pseudonymization or anonymization
without going any further, a sign above the payment counter of a clothing store in Madrid, in which they assure that they complie  Law because “your data was anonymize . ” It is not uncommon to hear that many companies consider that they are complying with the provisions .

Is it really important

Anonymizing” some of their customers’ data, for example, replacing the names and surnames of the interesteparties with numbers . This point is not true, since in this specific case we would not be talking about “ anonymize ” data, but rather “ pseudonymize ”. Is it really important to  Spain Number Data differentiate between anonymiz. Similarly
e data and pseudonymize data? The answer is clearly yes, since these differences can define the need or not to apply the principles of the GDPR regarding data processing. Differences between pseudonymization and anomization SEUDONIMIZATION is considere to be the process by which personal.

Cyberattacks considered

Data cannot be attribute to an intereste party without using additional information , as long as said additional information is separately and subject to technical and organizational measures designe to guarantee that said data is not attribute to an identifie or identifiable  Spain Phone Number List  person . This means that, if you have access to the additional information referre to, these. Similarly
data identify or may identify the intereste party, and therefore, their processing is subject to the provisions of the RGPD. On the other hand, ANONYMIZATION is considere.

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