You need 2 thank you pages, one for when the reader has left his email address and the other for when he clicks on the confirmation email. When you have edited the joining page to your desired format, click Save on the top right of the page and finally Publish. The page that opens will then look like this: From this page you can choose how Lead Box is displayed on your website or blog. There are three options: Plain text, i.e. link Button or Picture I personally use the image feature, although it takes a little extra work. From this page, you can also choose whether the Lead Box is a regular box to be added to the site, a Pop Up sign-up form, or whether the sign-up form is activated when the person is about to leave your site. Also read this: If you want to take advantage of the pictorial button, continue reading. Otherwise, you can scroll down the article a bit
Marketing automation saves a busy entrepreneur
I make the button in two steps. First, I design a cover image for the joining gift (I use a lot of guides and workbooks, so making their covers with special data Canvas is natural . If your joining gift is a webinar or a video, take a screenshot, reduce the image with Picmonkey, and then upload the image to Canvas). I make the cover photos of the guides on A4. After making the cover photo, I upload it either as a .pang or .jpg file to my computer and then upload it back to Canvas. It takes a bit of work, I know, but I haven’t yet found a way to get the cover image directly onto the next base without this intermediate step. the Email Header template. I add appropriate text to the image and the image I just uploaded, and finally I upload the entire button either as a .
Finally I make a join button based on
Pang or . jpg file to my computer. After that I go back to Lead Pages. I activate the image balloon, download the image from my own computer, save the box, copy the HTML text and add it to the appropriate place in my blog article. Voilà, the registration form is done and active! Read more: How do you increase your customer MY Numbers List base for future online course sales? Great! Congratulations! Now your opt-in form looks professional and is integrated directly into your email program. You can make forms with Lead Box (*) for example 5 and target the joining to exactly the right people. The more precisely you can write to the right target group, the more successful your future will be. When the opt-in form is done professionally, the reader is already looking forward to the first email. It should go immediately after the reader has confirmed joining your email list. I always recommend that the first 3 automated emails go out one day apart and then either 1, 2 or 4 times a month.