One question before we look

So those are little things that you can do as well. And it just goes such a far way, because a lot of times people just, feel like it’s that tree that’s falling in the forest. No one really cares. And if you can find that tree that fell and celebrate it, then it’s a big win

Gabe Larsen: (11:06)

Makes a big difference. I think, Gordana, you alluded to this as well as it does seem, something I probably need to do a little better job at, as this organization is scaling, there’s so much going on. It’s hard to find those one-on-one meetings or those skip level meetings where it’s just that one, “How are you doing?”

And doing it in a way that’s kind of more authentic and it’s not all business, but, “You doing okay?” Because yeah, I think we’re all trying to run and I do believe most everybody is trying to do their best, but sometimes it’s a problem, system, challenges. So giving ear to those people, I think does matter.  to wrap a little bit here is it’s obviously customer telegram data service a week. We’ve done a couple of fun things here at Kustomer. I know people are always looking for something different to do, to kind of celebrate that. Gordana, maybe we can start with you. What are some of the things you feel like are ways people can kind of, I know we’re done with kind of the week, but maybe next year, even if we still have a few hours, what can you do to celebrate customer service?

Gordana Warga: (12:06)

We’ve done the two things that I think were the most content repositioning: how to do it? impactful this week, and we’ve actually done a lot. So maybe three me be numbers three things. One, we started introducing daily games into our daily meetings. And so the first half hour we spent just doing like just a warmup game, which we hadn’t done before.

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