On the left there is a menu of which the first item, campaign – objective, corresponds to the step you are taking. In the center there are three columns: awareness – consideration – conversion . The one you are interested in is consideration: click on lead generation. Now move to the second menu item on the left: ad group . Here you can define the details of the advert, which are also the most important aspect of your campaign: the audience you are targeting, the geographical area (you can choose several), age, gender, language.
In any case
In any case, we advise you not to exaggerate with the requests, the danger is to annoy the user and make him run away. Knowing your audience is the first step to a successful marketing strategy . It is not important to have a lot of traffic if it is not of quality. To create an active and interested user in a world as europe email list vast as the web, you must make use of every tool. Now you too can do lead generation with facebook and collect contacts from users potentially interested in your product.
Finally, the budget.
Finally, the budget. Then move on to the third item: insertion. Create the actual post , where you can insert the reference image and the text for your advertisement. Finally, move on to filling out the form , where you will decide how it will be structured. In the form you can choose all the information to request, it is best to choose a few and targeted ones for what interests you. What data to ask for lead generation What data do you ask for lead generation? There is so much information that can My Number List be collected: from the simplest, such as name, surname, address, to the more personal, such as information on marital and working status . To these you can also add three open-ended questions .