Each user can make a rating of the shopping

This is a free platform offer by Google so that any business that wishes to do so can have a profile that includes essential business data . It includes aspects such as a description of its activity, or its location in the case of physical stores.

Google My Business listings are

locat to the right of Google results when the user types list of central african republic consumer email the name of a company into the search engine. In addition to the above, very useful information can be includ, such as opening hours in the case of physical stores, the type of product you offer, or customer reviews of your services or products.

The latter are incorporat in a very simple way. Experience from 1 to 5 stars . There is also a space dicat to text, where the consumer can write a more in-depth rating, giving their opinion through comments or even including photos in the reviews.

Encouraging your business to have Google customer reviews is of utmost importance from many points of view. We are going to tell you some of the advantages you will have by having them.

list of central african republic consumer email

Stimulates the so-call local SEO

When a person’s tap breaks, it is common for them to which has a monolithic architecture search Google for “plumbers near me.” What Google does is provide a list of plumbing companies operating near aleart news their home. The same goes for local businesses of any kind.

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