Digital Innovation of the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan in collaboration with Asso Software, in 2021 companies operating in the management software development sector generated a turnover of 19.9 billion euros , 16% higher compared to 2020. 93 % of the SMEs involved in the study declare that they use a management system, but only 29% have integrated at least part of the software adopted. In conclusion, a customized system can make a difference in improving business efficiency and agility, allowing you to better adapt to changing market needs.
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Can’t find the right ? At with software design UK Phone Number Data and development for companies and freelancers. Our customers build the program with us, combining their requests with our technical expertise, to develop quality software and make better decisions. Contact us for a free consultation . Corporate website for B2B: 5 statistics you need to know Bubble News Corporate website for B2B: 5 statistics you need to know company-website Don’t know if your company’s website is effective? website that keeps up with the times, but don’t know how to proceed? You are in the right place! In this article we will see some simple data that allows anyone to evaluate a company’s website, even in B2B. But first let’s take a step back. Why create your own business website.
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If until a few years ago the distrust towards UK Phone Number List online purchases was greater and in some cases even justified, today buying on a website has become a widespread custom. Users are in fact much more digitally literate, managing to consciously distinguish a possible scam from a safe purchase. In fact, 69.4% of consumers say they purchase more often from mobile than in store (Data Reportal, 2021); But can we also say the same for companies? How do they choose their suppliers? Even purchasing offices or company managers are online and, today more than ever, they inform themselves before relying on a product or service. As Gintux also confirms , according to which, company decision makers consult more than.