Make a list of benefits

An industry is understood as a set of companies that use common types of raw materials, materials, and manufacturing technologies. In addition, these firms are unit , by the common purpose of the products they produce. The following industries are usually distinguish , in the country’s economy:

  • Social sphere: m ,icine,  ,ucation, art, science, defense.
  • Non-production sector: housing and communal services, transport, Internet, communications.
  • Production: construction, trade, agriculture.

The competitiveness of an industry is determin ,

By the ability of companies mobile database within the industry to compete for customers and to maintain (or increase) their market share. There is such a thing as industry competitive advantages. These are the advantages that are determin , by the specifics of the industry itself and depend on the demand for manufactur , goods, the level of infrastructure development within the industry, and many other factors.

In principle, any company existing in the industry already has certain industry advantages. It is possible to distinguish quality control as a tool for increasing sales external competitive advantages (the overall high level of competitiveness of the country, government support for representatives of large and small businesses, high-quality and effective legal regulation of the economy) and internal ones (for example, demand for the products manufactur , by the company).

Step 6. Conduct monitoring, control and subsequent adjustments.

Many important stages review b necessary for successful competitive struggle are already behind us: defining the target market, mapping strategic groups of competitors, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, developing a competitive strategy. Now it is necessary to strictly control the implementation of the develop , strategy in order to make the necessary changes in time.

How to Identify Your Competitive Advantages


Ask yourself: what benefit do customers get from your products? You can answer this question by studying all the characteristics of the product you produce, as well as the results of a survey of your customers themselves. You can directly ask them what they like about your products and what they would like to improve or change.

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