Law firm advertising helps generate business

Eugenia Navarro , managing partner of Tama Projects and specialist in legal marketing, categorically state that “advertising helps generate business” at the conference on advertising for lawyers , organize Law firm advertising helps generate business  and the Council of Lawyers. Consumers and Users. Navarro, in his journey through the history of the legal sector, pointe out that when he starte, “in the year 2000, advertising or brands could not be use and this cause law firms to use first and last names.” Favoring “non-brand building” and therefore “the disappearance of law firms by not perceiving the office as a business .

There will be no moratorium on the application

There is less than a month left for the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Mar España, Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency , said at a breakfast organize by elEconomista , that Law firm advertising helps generate business agency is committe to a prevention model, however, it note that “companies that have left it until the last minute will have a difficult time . ” And if so, the Kuwait Number Data first steps a company should take is to ask itself: What data is it processing? For what purpose? With what legitimacy? From what source? For how long?

Martin Molina Ma

The director of the agency categorically states that “data protection is the foundation of a Rule of Law and a Democratic State” and that in this new stage two fundamental principles will apply: common sense and a certain flexibility. The axis of the regulations being “active responsibility Indonesia Indonesia Phone Number List  associate with risk”. In addition, she pointe out that “complying with data protection means paying off the trust of customers and our own Law firm advertising helps generate business ” On the other hand, Mar España talke about the tools that the agency makes available to users such as Falicita ; the Risk Analysis Guide.

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