Keys to customer loyalty in times of crisis

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing companies to delve deeper into loyalty strategies in customer relationship management. If you make an effort to retain your customers more and more, this will translate into greater performance for your company. According to a report by Loyalty Effects , by only increasing customer retention by 5%, you can generate a 25% to 100% increase in your company’s profits customer loyalty  .

Customer loyalty in times of crisis is one of the ways to cope with the consequences that the Coronavirus is causing in the economy worldwide. Therefore, below we tell you more about the specific actions you can take

Keys to customer loyalty in times of crisis

Don’t lose your customers by not paying attention to them. A study by Business Wire confirms that 82% of consumers are loyal to the brand they choose ; of course, to do this we must provide a positive environment and be present in their lives.

The first rule, then, is to know our customers well , to know what their needs are and to work to adapt to them in times of crisis . How? The more you know about your customers and how the coronavirus pandemic affects them, the  australia telegram data 3 million  better you will know how to approach

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them and the more likely you are to maintain a business relationship in the long term.

It is also a way to consolidate the bond beyond the commercial, to propose and maintain values ​​and to demonstrate that  if you have decided that this sector meets your interest goes beyond the sale of a product or service. In fact, two out of three customers do not mind spending more on a brand if it shows that its actions are in line with its principles,

according to a study by Sprout Social

3. Carry out strategic campaigns and create a sense of belonging
Creating an emotional bond with customers is recommended to maintain the long-term relationship and increase the chances  alb directory that consumers will recommend our brands to their circles of belonging. Be creative in your proposals, keep social networks active and motivate your audience to participate and interact.

Not all customers are equally profitable. Customer loyalty in times of crisis may involve focusing on the most profitable segments and optimizing your company’s resources for better economic use.

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