The second chance, key to success

The case of a businesswoman who has been exonerate by a judge from paying a debt of 116,000 euros has place the debate on the “second chance” on the news agenda. Entrepreneurs or self-employe workers who were previously condemnd to poverty or to living on social assistance have a new opportunity to remake their projects. At Martín Molina, lawyers and economists, we encourage you to know the law and resort to the figure of the bankruptcy mediator as a legal expert in this type of situation. The second chance mechanisms, reuction of financial burden and other social measures are containe in Royal Decree Law.

Swarm intelligence

The experience of these two and a half years has shown that the regulation has some important flaws. Law improvements Firstly, the rule is very restrictive and does not comply with any of the models in force in Europe. Debts that are exonerable are conditione on the payment of those that are not. If a businessman does not pay his debts with the Tax Agency and Social Security, he will never be able to obtain forgiveness of debts Saudi Arabia Number Data that are exonerable. On the other hand, the process is complicate, and there is a lot of ignorance of the law. Matilde Cuena, professor of civil law at the Complutense University, points out, among other aspects that must be improve.

Law improvements

Need for Spanish law to better define the concept of debtor in good faith. Cuena also asks that the proceures be expeite because the proceure is very slow. The processes generally last more than a year, which makes the debtors’ situation progressively worse. The long distance runner. The  Saudi-Arabia Phone Number List objective of the second chance law should be for businessmen and families to return to the economic system in the medium term. José María Torres, businessman and patron of the Pimec Foundation, remembers thaof the companies that closed during the crisis did not fail because they did it badly, but because they did not get paid from the big companies.

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