It is impossible to answer the question

It is impossible to answer the question  “How to increase website traffic?” concisely and briefly, since there are many methods for increasing the traffic of an Internet resource. In this article, we will tell you only the most important thing, how to increase website traffic, what methods are used to achieve this goal and how to use them.

What do you want to increase traffic to the site?

Traffic (from English “movement”, “freight turnover”) is i phone number list nterpreted differently in different sciences and fields of activity. If we take the SEO section, traffic here is understood as the number of visitors to an Internet resource for a certain period of time. That is, if we do not critically evaluate the terminology, “resource attendance” and “traffic” are almost synonyms.

On the Internet, you can find many types of traffic handling moreoer they can serice  it all depends on its properties. Traffic can be “black and white”, “mobile and desktop”, “solvent and insolvent”, etc.

Let’s consider what traffic there is depending on the source. The basis will be reports on traffic sources from Yandex.Metrica. Note that Yandex replaces the term “traffic” with a simpler phrase – “website traffic”. By source type, the following types of traffic are distinguished:

Paid traffic

This type of traffic is called the one that you have to pay for. Here we distinguish:

  • Advertising systems . We are talking about trade, media, search, targeted, teaser advertising, video advertising, advertising in social networks and other types of advertising. The meaning is the same – you buy visitors for yourself.

Some systems offer more favorable purchase conditions, some ask for a higher price. Some prefer to use some channels, some others. Somewhere visitors are more focused on buying, somewhere less. Here it is important to evaluate whether advertising is appropriate, and to what extent the investment should pay off.

  • Motivated traffic. There are systems that allow  calling list you to buy or exchange traffic. That is, to increase traffic to the site to 500 visitors, you can use this method. But, by the way, cheating is not a completely legal method of increasing traffic, which does not guarantee you high-quality promotion.

Search traffic

These are users coming to the resource from search engines. It is necessary to constantly carry out SEO promotion of the site in order to get search traffic. High-quality SEO promotion will allow you to achieve easy search of your site by 

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