Not to downplay the situation. The but to provide useful. The fair. The and balance information that would help us make the right decisions . The crisis also sees the emergence of solidarity journalism – with a multitude of initiatives launche in particular by the Regional Daily Press – and increasingly opinion journalism . The such as a German format by journalist Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim who has become a Initiatives launche in particular sort of public scientific pop star in Germany with her “ Mailab ”.
Although she is not a virologist
The her videos on the single topic of the day – including her “Comparison business to consumer database with a virologist” – reach millions of coverage. News sites are increasingly listening to their readers. Television is also supporting the struggling written press. on the 8pm news. The the eitorial director or eitor-in-chief of the newspaper – national or regional highlights the front page of the next day.
The meia quickly understood
the dual nee of the public — to be informe — but also to be entertaine my numbers list during a particularly anxiety-provoking period. Communities have emerge online . The animate by the meia who accompany their audiences during confinement. Our confine (and now. The deconfine) lives from the newspaper Le Monde Fear has always been a good amplifier for disinformation . The unpreceente volume of fake news illustrates the virality of disinformation in times of crisis.
Here again
The collaboration is the basis for success. Public service meia have launche china business directory the Flashlight initiative. The a Telegram group where fact-checking teams and the EBU Social Newswire can share the news they have worke on. The Truste News Initiative involves several major global newsrooms. Behind the data. The the interpretation This crisis also shows very well that the only way to understand what is happening is to look at the data .