Information Itself to Reach to a

 Of course: in some few cases those quotes are authentic, but, when this is the case, the problem is that no record is left (at least, most of those who forward those passages do not) about what their source is: a book, a print or videotap speech, a documentary or fiction film, an article, an interview, a song, etc. Lately, I have seen that some victims of these spurious attributions (a social phenomenon generat by the exchange in the network of networks, as you can see) have been Jorge Luis Borges , Pablo Neruda and José Saramago.

Being Left Behind and as

 Of course: there are many more. Encourag by the enthusiasm of the anonymous spreaders of these falsely attribut quotes, I felt the desire to make a short list business email list of my own crop of frequent readers of physical books (when it comes to quoting, I almost always run away, as if it were the plague. , from the wholesale offer that the Internet offers), gleaning some passages that I have record, after a few years of reading, and in relation to which, naturally, I can attest to their real origin.

We Teachers Know It

This is, let’s say, the counterpoint to the lightness with which information circulates on the Internet, that digital tide that, along with priceless jewels of culture, also drags the tinsel of false information. There are ten passages of those that I consider of singular value by virtue of the force with which they My Numbers List have stood out in the midst of my readings, thereby spurring the exercise of thought, as well as the cultivation of sensitivity. I decid to make a very free, incidental comment about each of these fragments: something like an experiential record that collects some ideas and even memories associat with its inspiring content.

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