Implementing Employee Advocacy

Abandone cart in ecommerce. Why it happens and how to avoid it marco targa – 17 august 2022 abandone cart as we saw in a previous article. The phenomenon of abandone carts is a very current problem for ecommerce sites . With percentages that – given the growth of online purchases – are progressively increasing. It is therefore right that companies ask themselves why these cases occur as well as formulating the most effective solutions to limit the problem. You may be intereste in . Implementing Employee Ecommerce and abandone cart. The key statistics for 2022. Why e-shoppers abandon their cart abandone cart the first reason relating to cart abandonment cases is the user.S assessment of the additional costs that are adde to that of the product (or service) he intends to purchase. 

In the study publishe by the baymard institute for 2021

It emerges that 48% of shoppers abandone their online purchases due to additional costs relate to shipping. Taxes or fees associate with the product. You might special data be intereste in. .3 other elements that will characterize ecommerce in 2022. Another reason that leads to interrupting online purchasing is to be found in cases where the e-shopper is aske to create an account. Within the same survey. The percentage of users who indicate this type of reason linke to abandoning the cart amounte to 24%. Followe by delivery times that were too slow (22%). There are also causes relate to the performance of the e-commerce site.

According to hubspot

In fact. 57% of online consumers decide not to purchase a product if a site takes more than 3 seconds to load the page relating to the purchase proceure. Again My Numbers List according to the opinion of the leading company in inbound marketing. 80% of these users will never return to that site. Is your ecommerce not performing as you would like? Discover business data. Common errors and best practices the best strategies to combat the phenomenon of cart abandonment the first help to combat the phenomenon comes from marketing automation. According to barriliance. Emails sent to customers relate to cart abandonment achieve an open rate of 41.09% during 2021. 

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