How to perform customer service evaluation [6 METHODS]

Customer service evaluation is the process that analyzes all interactions in the customer contact process , with the aim of identifying those areas where improvements can be made customer service .

Since customer experience is one of the most important factors that a company must take care of, a constant evaluation of the service can provide insights that will allow you to materialize those changes necessary to improve customer satisfaction and make their relationship with your company memorable.

Customer satisfaction is an indicator that is increasingly of concern to companies. According to PWC , one in three customers would stop doing business with a brand they lov after a bad experience.

For this reason it is necessary to cultivate

what customer service evaluation is. By having more empathy with the consumer and putting yourself in their shoes at all points of contact with the customer during the customer journey , you can better understand what the customer’s nes india telegram phone number list  are and propose effective strategies that meet their expectations .

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According to an academic article publish by the electronic journal S&G , satisfaction is influenc, among other aspects, by the perception of quality .

The authors define a formula that explains how customers evaluate the service, bas on a function of their expectations and their perception of service, which is reflect in the following equation:
Finally, you must not  each user can make a rating of the shopping forget that the customer, in addition to a high-quality product – which you must guarantee – wants you to offer them an unparallel customer experience.

In today’s competitive market, what makes a customer develop brand loyalty over another is their relationship with that brand. If you give your customer a good experience, the chances of them staying with you are high. In fact, 74% of consumers are likely to buy from you bas on experiences alone , and nothing else.

To improve the experience you provide

it is necessary to conduct customer service evaluations regularly. Using performance indicators, you can identify problems and opportunities at different stages of the relationship with your audience.
The Likert scale is an  aleart news instrument that measures opinions, perceptions and behaviors. Its name is due to its author, the American social scientist Rensis Likert .

It consists of a clos question with a set of specific response options. It offers a little more depth than a clos dichotomous YES/NO response, it allows us to know the degree of satisfaction .

The responses provid by the Likert scale can be numerical or verbal. The range of opinions contains 5 or 7 points and goes from one extreme to the other, considering intermiate or neutral options.

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