How does network stability affect VoIP switchboard calling? 


Loss of call connection affects call quality!Unsatisfied customers, bad service experience!

What is the cause of this situation and how to fix it? Below are some suggestions to help fix the problem of VoIP switchboard having network connection problems.

How does VoIP work?

VoIP switchboard (IP switchboard) – uses Internet protocol to transmit sound. That is, to make clear calls without interruption, a stable, high-speed transmission line is required to ensure a good signal. 

That shows that network stability greatly affects the process of calling the switchboard. Because unstable connections cause situations such as: 

  • Calls are unclear, information cannot be transmitted.
  • Unable to establish call
  • The call ended midway.
  • No sound when call connects

What transmission factors affect VoIP call quality and how to fix them?

When using VoIP switchboard, encountering the above problem may come from a number of causes such as:

Poor Pig connection

Because of the way Subiz switchboard operates on the internet platform. Therefore, if the bandwidth special database is too narrow, it can affect the call quality due to poor transmission, causing the call quality to decrease significantly, causing discomfort to customers.

In this case, you need to regularly check the stable speed of the network – Ping. If Ping returns a high ms parameter, that means your network connection is not good, unstable, which will lead to lag and slowness…

Check Ping by:  Open CMD with the shortcut key combination windows logo + R type cmd and Enter > type in the command line to check ping

Results returned with low time (ms) means your network is quite fast. Stable time fluctuations discover our deferred payment solutions mean your network is stable and very good. 

Time (ms) has a large difference, which means the internet is unstable. If the ping index is high, meaning time (ms) is high, your network is slow and has a long response time, or if the request times out, meaning it cannot respond, it means your internet connection is interrupted or disconnected, so you need to check the connected devices.


Bandwidth is often used to indicate the amount of data transmitted in one second, that is, the data transmission speed of a transmission line. The larger the bandwidth, the faster the data transmission speed and vice versa. Therefore, when using a VoIP switchboard, the problem of poor listening and calling may be due to poor bandwidth.

For stable PBX quality, make sure your LAN and WAN / ISP have enough bandwidth mobile numbers to match the codec you are using for SIP / VoIP. By default, G.711Alaw uses 87.2kbps (8.7KBps). 

For Packet Loss

For Packet Loss is understood as an internet network problem that occurs when one or more Packet data is not delivered to the destination when being sent, affecting the call quality. It is necessary to promptly fix the Packet Loss problem when it occurs by increasing bandwidth, updating hardware, software, etc.

In addition to the internet network, the listening device of the call center staff is very important to connect with customers. If the listening device has problems, it will also affect the quality of the direct VoIP call. To ensure clear calls, instead of poor quality headphones, you should invest.


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