how and why to save unfinished dialogues

Unfinished chats are a sign of weak service and lost profits for the company. It is quite possible that the client was just a couple of answers short of placing an order, which he never received.

“Hanging” chats are a common problem for businesses with a large flow of incoming gambling database messages. Why this happens and how to fix it, we will tell you in this article.

How Dialogues Get Lost

Even when the chat remains open in the operator’s “My” tab, a repeat message from a visitor may remain unanswered. The operator may not respond for various reasons:

went on a break;
busy with a higher priority communication channel (for example, talking on the phone);
The previous requests turned out to be more complex than usual, so the operator cannot cope with influencers, it is always important the traffic of incoming requests.

To prevent this from happening, Jivo has a “Chat Saving” function. With it, no dialogue will remain unanswered and will be brought to a logical conclusion.

Why is it important to save chats

We analyz the behavior of Jivo users and found that about 50% of all chats in the “My” tab are together with the Jivo application – that is, not after the end of the dialogue, but at the end of the operator’s working day. In addition, a large number of chats are processed longer than the optimal response time. All this a negative impact on the company’s reputation and income.

Therefore, if a visitor writes a message and the operator does not respond longer than the allowed time, the chat needs.

How does Chat Rescue work in Jivo

If the system detects a delay in response from the operator, it offers options for action:

✔ close the dialogue or clarify something with the client;

✔ pay attention to the dialogue;

✔ connect new operators to process requests.

In practice it looks like this:

The client wrote a message. The system is waiting for the operator to accept the chat.

After the operator has accepted the chat, Jivo starts the timer for the first response. By default, it is 30 seconds, this period is calculat  on internal research indicators, but it can be adjust at the user’s discretion.

If the operator  not respond to the client during this time, the chat is return to the Inbox tab for all operators on the channel – this way the request not go unnotic and the client not have to wait long.

If there is a pause in the open dialogue between the client and the operator, Jivo starts the current chat timer. By default, it is 5 minutes. This time can also adjust.

When the current chat timer expires, Jivo assumes that the conversation has ended or the operator has become distracted, so it sends a system message:

“Are you still in contact with this customer? If the conversation is over, please close this usa b2b list conversation and it.

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