Gordana, let’s maybe start with

I can’t add too much to that. But one thing we have been doing is we’ve been partnering with our marketing team. So thanks, Gabe, for this budget. But we’re just surprising anyone, instead of sending like a massive email out to our clients and saying it’s customer service week, we’re kind of doing a surprise and delight campaign where just random acts of kindness that we’re sending to our clients. And it’s just really appreciated. And I think it’s been done in a really nice way. I’m getting a lot of nice messages and our team’s kind of scrambling and anyone that’s interacting with us, we’re trying to just reply and give them something small and just to show our appreciation and it’s been very well received so far.

Gabe Larsen: (13:53)Gordana let’s maybe

I like that. Yeah. The surprise and delight. And I do think there’s so many challenges in the world and so many problems.

Chad Horenfeldt: (14:02)

I think what I like that we’ve done is that we’re not automatingaccurate mobile phone number list  this. Like this is us responding and we’re being humans, human to human. And I think Gordana let’s maybe that that way, people have really appreciated it a lot more.

Gabe Larsen: (14:15)

They can feel that difference. Well, yeah. Certainly a lot going on. I appreciate the conversation. We’ll wrap it here. Want to give each of you just the what are customer service channels? ability to kind of do, maybe a quick takeaway, leave behind as we think about customer service week be numbers and appreciate those frontline people who have probably taken a little bit of the brunt over the past year. Anything you’d leave as advice to customer service leaders for celebrating that moving forward to provide that optimal customer service?  you.

Gordana Warga: (14:40)

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