Financial measures in a state of alarm

In this way the Government will guarantee up to 80% of the loans that companies and the self-employe Financial measures  request from banks to be able to pay salaries, cash, invoices. This line of guarantees will be 100,000 million euros and will be intended for companies with problems caused by this health emergency. In this way, the Government will guarantee up to 80% of the loans that companies and the self-employed request from banks to be able to pay salaries, cash, invoices.

Among the financial  that have been take are

Simply those who have liquidity nees. The first tranche will guarantee operations for  an amount of up to 20,000 million . allocate  to SMEs (with less than 250 workers) and the  self-employe. The second part Oman Phone Number Data of this line of guarantees is intende for meium and large companies. Subdivided into two parts. When it comes to new loans, the guarantee will be up to 70% and when loans that are due to mature in the coming months are renew, the Government’s coverage will reach 60% of the amount. The Executive has also made it clear that it will not cancel pre-coronavirus credits ,

Phone Number Data

The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV):

Subdivide into two parts. When it comes to new loans the guarantee will be up to 70% . When loans that are due to mature in the coming the Government’s coverage will reach 60% of the amount. The China Phone Number List Executive has also made it clear that it will not cancel pre-coronavirus creits. Simply those who have liquidity needs. The first tranche will guarantee operations for an amount of up to 20,000 million and, at least, half must be allocate to SMEs (with less than 250 workers) and the self-employed. The second part of this line of guarantees is intend for medium and large companies.

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