Do domain names have any effect on SEO?

Of course there is, but everything does not end with the domain name. Ask yourself, how many keywords can you use in a domain name? You will limit your SEO work to 1-2 words, using keywords in the domain name will definitely benefit your page. Let’s say you are building a website with general content. You should not rush the domain selection. First, think about what you will publish on your site content. If you are a company, you can get a domain name with the products you sell or your company name. If the company name is suitable for abbreviation, you can shorten it and add a keyword next to it or just enter the abbreviated name of your company.

SEO News In the example table above

Open Google and search for “sports news”. In my own search results, there were only 2 websites with the word sports in the word “sports news” on the first page. When I just searched for the Austria WhatsApp Number List word “Sports”, there were 3 websites out of 10 results. This is a misleading picture. The only effect of the site name on SEO is that it may have a minor effect if there are no sites publishing better content than you or if there are sites with content of similar quality. If you prove that you offer better quality content and are different from the rival site, your place at the forefront will be possible with hard work.

Quality website with the same keywords

Whatsapp Number List

If site names were guaranteed to rank first, we would always see. Site addresses that were fully compatible with the keywords in searches. If the target sector is specific in the keywords and the USA WhatsApp Number List sector can be described in one word, finding a domain name with keywords will give you a small advantage. You cannot surpass a  by using the same keywords in the site name. If you prove that you offer better quality content and are different from the rival site, your place at the forefront will be possible with hard work.

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