Department-specific Search Options

2: Make Search Boxes Large 5: Allow Department-specific  Shopper Enough to Fit Most Search Queries
The size of your search box will depend on the types of products you sell. Certain products may garner longer or shorter searches on average regarding character count. Understand the typical search terms your customers use, and make your search box large enough to fit the average search query.

3: Use Autocomplete

Autocomplete is a great feature, and its inclusion can 5: Allow Shopper make conducting searches very convenient for your users.

Consider implementing an autocomplete feature with images, making it easy for customers to review products quickly from the search bar without navigating to the product page.



4: Include
When you sell various products, your shoppers may want to locate a particular item within a specific product category. Make this easy for them by offering department-specific search options. If you sell clothing, allow your shoppers to search for “dress pants” within your men’s pants section or “high heels” in your women’s shoe department. This adds an extra layer of convenience for your shopper, making it easy to locate the needed products.

The need to search product codes will only apply to some shopper, but it’s an excellent feature to offer – mainly if you publish a catalog. Searching for product codes buy phone number list makes it easy for shoppers to find the product they are looking for quickly.

6: Offer Accurate Search Results

Shoppers may navigate away from your store why is mobile app development expensive? if they are not getting search results that apply to their query. Properly label and tag your products according to typical search terms to improve the quality  agb directory of your search results. Keep the following in mind as you prepare your product pages for search queries:

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