Create a pattern in photoshop any drawing


When you apply a pr  efin   photoshop pattern. For example. You will notice that regardless of the resolution and size of your document. The pattern motif repeats without “seams “. ( seamless pattern . In fact). In this article you will see how to create your pattern and how to make it repeatable and seamless thanks to the offset technique (move). This technique is explor   extensively in our basic photoshop course . Create a pattern in photoshop any drawing (made with brushes for example). But also geometric shapes can be transform   into a pattern in photoshop.

Create a new document and go


 Here are the essential steps to transform a drawing africa email list into a photoshop pattern: start from a square document (500 px and up) create your own pattern (use geometric shapes or brushes) make sure you have a single layer by going to the layers>single layer menu go to the   it>define pattern menu give the pattern a name to apply the pattern you just sav  . Create a new document and go to the levels>new fill layer>pattern menu and select the pattern you just sav   scale and rotate the pattern as desir   during application. Create a repeatable pattern in photoshop use the move (offset) filter to make your pattern seamless (without seams) creating a pattern in photoshop is relatively easy (find the steps above). But creating a seamless and scalable repeatable pattern can be more difficult.

Make sure you have a single layer


 In this example we see the use of the move filter (offset in the english version of photoshop) to generate a texture in My Numbers List photoshop: create your pattern using an illustration and/or brushes on a square-siz   document. Remember the dimensions of your document! They will be ne     later.create photoshop patterns once you have creat   the drawing. Make sure you have a single layer by going to the layers>single layer menu . This will also ensure that you eliminate pixels outside the canvascreate photoshop patterns to make the drawing (or texture) repeatable. Now go to the filter>other>move menu and enter exactly half the length of your document in the two fields you see.

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