It’s different for us. for the construction of low-rise buildings. In our case, the client makes a purchase quite rarely: a house is built only once or twice in a lifetime. Therefore, it is important for us to find the client at an early stage, at the very beginning of his consumer journey, when he is just learning about the properties of our product and related products, and then retain him. When the client has already been found, a program for his retention begins, to bring him to a successful transaction. And this is how it happens.
Communication with the client
There are many ways to retain a client, they largely depend on the business in which the entire process takes place. Our company has analyzed the client’s consumer journey in detail into various stages. And in accordance with these stages, we offer either free or paid, but not very expensive services that are relevant to a person at the moment.
For example, if a client chooses a project for their future home, we offer them a whole portfolio of ready-made standard company supplies whatsapp number list projects. Another six months to a year will pass before the client purchases our product, but we are already giving them free service. We do not let a potential client go free floating in the market, offering them something that will allow us to continue communicating with them.
To stay in this communication, it is very
Important to schedule subsequent rounds of interaction. This way we stay in constant contact with the client. It is important to agree on a call, describe what to expect when choosing a particular project. At the same time, it is important not to be intrusive.
After choosing company supplies a project, the client will, one way or another, look for contractors who will build him a house. We for example, check out the homepage offer him a special portal we created, Building Companion, where he can choose them according to recommendations. Subsequently, one of our employees contacts the client and finds out how satisfied he is with the chosen team.
Thus, the client is always in touch with agb directory us. He receives our free services, learns more about our product, about the company. This increases the likelihood that he will choose us.