In addition, information is displayed

  In addition, information is displayed when the robot is launched.

Once you know the name of the resource, enter its name in the search bar (magnifying glass icon). A list of programs that match the entered query will appear on the screen. You will only need to select the desired one and click on it. The robot will be added to the list.

To create a chat, you need to click on it. Messages are entered in the search bar. That is, there are no difficulties with adding a bot to a Telegram chat.

How to create a bot on a channel

As you may have already understood, bots in Telegram c level contact list  are specially trained software robots created to help in performing various tasks. The capabilities of bots in Telegram are very, very large.

Let’s take as an example the bot in Telegram of JSC Kazpost:

There are bots that imitate communication with a person. Of course, such bots do not have artificial intelligence, but developments in this direction are underway. Therefore, it is not worth excluding the possibility of a bot appearing in Telegram that cannot be distinguished from a living person…

Of course, before creating a bot for Telegram, you need to decide what it is needed for and what actions it will perform. Send a mailing, inform about the exchange rate or something else. Its main code depends on this.

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You can use programming languages ​​to write a bot, but you can also create a program without knowing them. Of course, in this case you will not get a fine quality execution. You can create a bot using a special bot @BotFather. To do this, you will need to add it to your contact list and launch it.

Next you need to proceed as follows:

      1. To create a new bot, enter the command /newbot . After that, you will need to come up with a new unique name for your bot. The mandatory condition is that the ending must be “bot”.
      2. Optionally add an avatar for the bot and a description.
      3. You will then be sent a unique API token. You should copy it to the clipboard and save it to a text file, because it is too difficult to remember.
      4. In general, the bot already exists, but it can’t do anything. To “train” it, you can use programming languages ​​or a special service for creating communicative robots –
      5. You should add the new bot – @Chatfuel – as a friend and launch it.
      6. The next step is to enter the /addbot command and add the previously saved token.
      7. This way the bot will be saved on the service, and interaction with it will be carried out from there. The interface and command system for the bot are quite clear. There is no point in wasting time on describing all the available functions – there are too many of them.

How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?

I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.

And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:

  • Technical condition of the site.
  • SEO.
  • Collection of site semantics.
  • Creating useful content.
  • Working on conversion.

And at the same time, every manager needs an increase calling list  in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.

The Paquebot service  will help you manage your bot’s capabilities using predefined commands. For example, adding your bot to the channel administrators will allow it to automatically update the channel. It will also be possible to configure updates on the user’s page on VKontakte, Twitter, YouTube, RSS and other social services.

Other users can subscribe to the bot too. Then they will be notified of these updates. You can also subscribe to your own bot to track news feeIn addition, information is displayed updates from others.

How to create a chat for a channel in Telegram

Like most messengers, Telegram allows you to create both individual and group chats. In addition, you can even create special secret chats. How to create a chat in Telegram? There is more than one way to do this.

How to create a regular chat in Telegram

In the mobile app, you only need to mark the person you want to chat with and

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