Attaching images, videos, audio

Attaching images, videos, audio  and text to a Telegram post is not possible. You can send one thing. You can add a description of up to 200 characters to a photo. To do this, when sending a post, you must compress the image.

You can include a hashtag, external link, or mention any  job function email list  hannel, conversation, or user within Telegram in your description.

“Telegram Newsletter: Attaching images, videos, audio

These are assistants for channel authors. There are many useful bots, we will tell you about the most popular ones.

Inline botsThis bot is similar to Vote, but also  takes a lot of effort and time. You need to allows you to find out who voted and for what. You can call the bot using the @groupagreebot command. To do this, when creating, you need to select the Personal type .

Any user can see who voted.

External bots

You can’t call such a bot with a command. As a rule, you need to add them to the channel administrators.


Statistics are called up by clicking on the  calling list item of the same name in the menu. The bot provides information on the number of subscribers at the beginning of each day and produces a simple dynamics graph. Data can be viewed for a week or a month.

This is a catalog containing information about all current developments.

You can view top charts, new or recently added.

You can also search by keyword that is related to the purpose of the service – this way you will perform a targeted search.

Vkontakte Reach: How to View and Increase”Read more

All additional information is specified by the developer at the creation stage.Click on the bot program name in your account list.

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